Nichlas (Sweden, 33) "Jag älskade verkligen att ha lektioner i trädgärden! Underbart! Aktiviteterna som skolan anordnade var ockå underbara". Henning (Sweden, 20) "Det var bra stämning i skolan och lärarna var bra. Malaga är både storstad och strand. Den spanska kulturen kan ses från olika håll. Jag har lärt mig spanska och sett kulturen. Jag är nöjd". Emelie (Sweden, 26) I spent 14 weeks in Malaga in 2004 and that was my best time ever! The school is great and the teachers are fantastic. I learned Spanish really fast and I enjoyed every minute of the lessons. I would recommend everyone to visit Malaga and this school in particular. Vittoria (Italy, 23) "Mi é piaciuto tutto, i professori e la gente ché cé nela scuola e anche il metodo di lavoro. Mi piace molto Malaga e specialmente Pedregalejo perché la gente é tranquilla e la notte cé molta gente sul paseo". I spent 2 weeks in Malaga, during the summer 2007. The school MALAGA SI is very good: the teachers are very kind and receptive; they always try to help students. The grammar course was helpful.Also the place were I stayed (10 mins far from the school) was ok.Unfortunately i was In Malaga for only 2 weeks but i hope to go there again in the future.. Lizabeth (Netherlands, 22) I spent 8 weeks in Málaga Sí, and I had a great time! Before I came to Spain I only knew: ola and now I even know that that was wrong ;) Anyway, the first 4 days I got private lessons, and it helped a lot. After a week, I knew a little basis and after a 8 weeks I was able to give a speech about Holland and more.The school is small and that's nice, the classes never content more than 8 students, so everyone is noticed and you make friends really fast. The teachers only speak spanish, so you learn the language really quick. All together, I love this school and the teachers. I would come back every year! Michael (Germany, 19) Ya es mi segunda estancia en Málaga Si y tanto la escuela como el ambiente y la cohesión entre los alumnos han vuelto a encantarme. Muchas gracias por tres semanas que no voy a olvidar en mi vida. Es ist schon mein zweiter Aufenthalt in Málaga Sí und die Schule und die Stimmung und der Zusammenhalt unter den Schuelern haben mich wieder begeistert. Vielen Dank fuer drei Wochen die ich in meinem Leben nicht vergessen werde. It¨s my second time here in Málaga Sí and I¨m really impressed again. It is a great experience to see how teachers and students from all over the world work together,I will never forget the time I spent here. Yuka (Japan, 23) I spent 24 weeks last year. Málaga ¡Sí! is so nice!!At first, I was shy in class but my teachers ware really kind. so I could learn Spanish at ease!!And the activities are so fun;P I usually went to the activities to know much more things and make friends!!In this autumn, I'll go back to Málaga ¡Sí! again!! Vanessa (Liechtenstein, 27) I spent 4 weeks in Malaga si and I can tell that it's a great school! Its teachers are very interested, classes are small, even the school is small and very personal. I liked the fact, that the Hacienda was very close to the school and from the school to the city center you could go all night long very quickly by bus. They offer many activities and you get to know other students very easily. This school is fun and you even learn a lot! Kate (UK, 25) Hi! I have studied at Malaga Si twice now. One week over Christmas and New Year last year and then again at Easter. Even though I was only staying for a short while, I was made to feel very welcome. The Hacienda (student house) is close and a lovely building. I would recommend studying at Malaga Si. Enjoy! Magda (Poland, 22) "W szkole mozna nie tylko sie uczyc ale tez poznac wspanialych ludzi. Szkola stara sie organizowac rozne zajecia wieczorami, co daje mozliwosc lepiej sie poznac. Malaga jest piekna! Stare Miasto pelne jest kafejek, gdzie mozna milo spedzic czas. Co wiecej, blisko jest do morza i temperatury nie sa az tak wysokie. Szkola spelnila moje oczekiwania!" "The atmosphere that fits more to holiday time not the regular school. It's cool and relaxed. It's really great study in Malaga and specially not in the centre, because it's not turistic. Moreover there is no way to communicate in other language than Spanish" Alexandra (Canada, 20) I spent 9 weeks in Malaga and this school was like home away from home. Teachers are there when you feel home sick and classes are just the right size to learn and have fun. The school also offers activities that make you experience real spanish life. François (Belgium, 26) Bonjour ! J'ai passé plusieurs mois à Malaga il y a quelques années et ai choisi l'école Málaga Sí pour apprendre l'espagnol.Je ne peux que recommander cette école pour son professionnalisme, la sympathie de ses professeurs, sa localisation et sa taille restreinte qui en font l'endroit idéal pour réellement apprendre l'espagnol, tout en profitant d'une ambiance exceptionnelle.
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