Genitori e Figli


Questo nuovissimo programma é stato ideato per tutti quei genitori che vorrebbero vivere delle vacanze rilassanti e allo stesso tempo all’insegna della cultura e dell’apprendimento, ma che avendo figli piccoli devono rinunciare. Grazie al nostro programma “Genitori e Figli” potrai finalmente concederti il tuo corso di spagnolo mentre un animatore professionale si prenderá cura di tuo figlio con giochi culturalemte stimolanti e adatti alla sua etá.

Spanish courses for Parent with Little Child

Wouldn’t it be nice if you had the chance to join a Spanish course without leaving your little child at home?

Our course is designed for those who wish to improve their language skills and at the same time enjoying Malaga with their children.

Course description:

This program is available during the summer months as well as the winter.

:: Parents/guardians

:: Little children

There are 2 different options depending on the age of a child:

:: Activities
:: Accommodation

Whilst many parents and children will arrange their own apartments or stay in hotels or hostels, for those looking to stay with a local family, this can be arranged.

:: Price

Price of Spanish for Parent with Little Child includes:

Clicca qui per verificare i nostri prezzi.


:: Conditions of Spanish for Parent with Little Child program: